The Greatest Treasure and The Greatest Pirate

A Painter Description Of Henry Avery
Henry Avery, The King Of Pirates, was a man of tricks. He sank huge ships in the sea and got away with plunder and loot, many consisting of rum and sugar, which was considered very expensive at that time. Now you would probably think why was he considered King Of Pirates and What was the greatest treasure of All Time? 


 Well, the answer lies in the fact that Henry Avery secretly built a heaven for pirates and people of same profession and it was called the "LIBERTALIA". Hence, people called him the King of Pirates as he looked after his fellow people. 


 Now let us come to The Treasure. The wealth actually belonged to the rulers of India. The then rulers called as the Mughals united the ancient country of India (modern India, Pakistan and Afghanistan) and generated huge wealth in the form of gold and silver. A fleet carrying their wealth (around $1000000 USD) from one town to another was attacked by Henry Avery and his associates. 

Engineering Marvel Of That Time

But here comes the mystery. The ship that Avery captained disappeared after the incident and also Avery himself. Some say he settled in LIBERTALIA with his associates guarding the treasure. But some historians claim that the ship is hidden in one of the islands that Avery set up his hideouts. The game UNCHARTED 4 also throws some lights into this but all the information described in this article can be confirmed with Library Archives dating back to 1700s. Stay tuned for more articles about this genre. Peace Out:>)
